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Agate (Fire)

This is a grounding stone that brings about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. It harmonizes the yin and yang, the positive and negative forces. A soothing stone that works slowly. It also builds self-confidence, improves concentration, and enhances analytical abilities. This stone heals inner anger and bitterness of the heart. It raises consciousness and awareness of the universe. Fire Agate is a great support during difficult times. It has stonrg protective qualities, deflecting harm back to its source. This stone fires up the base chakra, aiding in sexual endeavors and bring vitality to the body. It helps break addictions and encourages introspection. A great stone for meditation. 

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Agate (Blue Lace)

This is a grounding stone that brings about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. It harmonizes the yin and yang, the positive and negative forces. A soothing stone that works slowly. It also builds self-confidence, improves concentration, and enhances analytical abilities. This stone heals inner anger and bitterness of the heart. It raises consciousness and awareness of the universe..Blue Lace Agate is a powerful healing stone, most particularly for the throat chakra. It even neutralizes anger, infection, inflammation and fever. It is useful for helping men to release and accept their sensitivity and feeling natures. Counteracts mental stress  

Agate (Moss)

This is a grounding stone that brings about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. It harmonizes the yin and yang, the positive and negative forces. A soothing stone that works slowly. It also builds self-confidence, improves concentration, and enhances analytical abilities. This stone heals inner anger and bitterness of the heart. It raises consciousness and awareness of the universe. Moss Agate is stonefly connected to nature, refreshing the soul. Reduces sensitivity to weather and environmental pollutants. The perfect stone for anyone employed in agriculture or associated with botany. It aids midwives in the delivery of children, lessening the pain. This is also a stone of wealth and abundance. It even helps those suffering from depression.  


A grounding stone, a powerful healer, a cleanser of dis-ease, and promotes tissue revitalization. It also cleanses the environment and the chakras. Turns negative energies into positive energies for healing. Its stable and positive nature is known to counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies. It brings wisdom, promotes altruism, encourages peacefulness, stimulates creativity, boosts intellect, and provides balance. 



This stone blocks geopathic stress, microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. It calms the nervous system, heightens ones intuition, and aligns the physical body with the etheric. Masculine and feminine energies are balanced. This stone is great for healing emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear, and dispels negative energy as well as aggravation. It also manifests universal love. 


A highly protective stone with a extremely high spiritual vibration. It guards against psychic attacks, transmitting the energy into love. It block geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. Has strong healing and cleansing powers. Prevents drunkenness, supporting sobriety. Mentally, it helps you feel less scattered, more focused and in control of your faculties. It's helpful against insomnia and protects against recurrent nightmares, even aids in understanding dreams. Balances highs and lows, promoting emotional centering. Opens intuition, enhances psychic gifts, can be used for scrying and stimulates the third eye. Sleeping with this stone facilitates out-of-body experiences.   


Apatite (Blue)

A stone of manifestation that is attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives. It develops psychic gifts, deepens meditation, raises the kundalini and aids in communication. Increases motivation, induces social ease, encourages extroversion and draws off negativity. It is also helpful for hyperactive and autistic children. This stone eases sorrow, apathy, and anger. Clears frustration by releasing energy in the base chakra. Blue Apatite facilitates public speaking, enhances group communication, opens the throat chakra, and heals the heart. 


Earth-healer and grounding stone. Transforms geopathic stress and clears blocked ley lines. Great for dealing with stress, stabilizes the base and earth chakras, and combats oversensitivity. Facilitates delegation along with encouraging discipline and reliability. Aids concentration, improves meditation, and stabilizes any feelings of unrest.













A powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine. This stone facilitates and protects during astral travel, relieves psychic attack, clears stress, calms the mind, and brings greater focus to meditation. Activates the third eye and unites the masculine  and feminine energies. It enhances compatibility with others and stimulates creativity. Brings clarity and strengthens concentration. This stone is perfect for releases emotional blockages. 












This is a stone of courage. Reduces stress and quiets the mind. Protects agains pollutant and dark forces, procuring favor from the spirits of light. It creates a personality that is upright, persistent, and dynamic whilst overcoming judgmentalism. This stone is extremely useful for closure on all levels. It clears blocked communication and helps you to interpret how you feel. Sharpens intuition, opens clairvoyance, magnifies meditation, shields the aura, aligns the chakras and clears the throat chakra.  

Aventurine (Green)

A very positive stone of prosperity. Used to grid gardens or houses against geopathic stress. Absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. It also protects against cell phone emanations. Reinforces leadership qualities, promotes empathy, and encourages perseverance. Calms anger and irritation. Regulates growth from birth to 7 years old, balances male and female energy, and protects/regenerates the heart and heart chakra.



natural antimicrobial and antibacterial metal. Improves metabolic function and digestion. Reduces inflammation, arthritis, and headaches. Excellent conductor of the body's electrical current as well as an amplifier of any stones attached to it. Great for channeling and multidimensional communication. Pulls toxins out of the body through the skin. Balances the chakras and meridians.  


Effective blood cleanser and a powerful healer. It is believed to have the ability to control the weather, confer the ability to banish evil and negativity, and to direct spiritual energies. Heightens the intuition and increases creativity. Excellent grounding and protection stone against unwanted energies.Gives courage, encourages selflessness, dispels confusion, and enhances the decision-making process. Revitalizes a fatigued mind. Emotionally, it helps ground the heart energy. Reduces impatience and aggressiveness.  












Greatly effective against curses. Due to its iron bearing properties, this stone is know for reflecting such curses back to the source magnified up to three times over. A very protective stone, as well as grounding, essentially restoring composure. Promotes decisive action and stillness.  



A powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Facilitates the opening of higher awareness and psychic abilities, channeling, and out-of-body experiences. Accelerates spiritual development and allows the soul to remember experiences when it return to the body. Combats laziness. Calms the mind, teaches discernment, and boosts memory. 



Grounds and anchors ones energy, restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. Also can cleanse other stones. It removes fear of death while protecting the dead on their journey to the afterlife. Gives courage, promotes positivity, and motivates for success in business matters. Useful for overcoming abuse. Removes extraneous thoughts in meditation. It sharpens concentration. This stone is a powerful protector against envy, rage and resentment. Replaces anger with love.  



This stone jump-starts spiritual development and urges you toward enlightenment. Stimulates clairvoyant communication, dream recall, and journeys out of the body. Attracts good fortune and heals the aura. Can improve dysfunctional relationships by opening a space for peaceful negotiation. Super creative stone. Imparts inner peace and strength. It also sharpens the mind.   


tranquil stone that helps meditation and communication. Draws off negative energies from the home Stabilizes rocky relationships. It calms, cleases, reenergizes and realigns all of the chakras. Imparts confidence and sensitivity. Helps you to keep a cool head. Alleviates guilt and brings in joy.  



A powerful cleanser and regenerator. Carrying the power of the sun, this stone never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates, and ground negative energy. Aura protector that gives really warning signs of danger. Has the ability to cleanse the chakras, especially the solar plexus and the navel chakras. Activates the crown chakra, opening intuition. A stone of abundance, attracting wealth, happiness, and helps you to hold on to both. Improves motivation, creativity, self-esteem, confidence, and individuality. Perfect stone for overcoming depression, fears, and phobias. Promotes inner calm and helps absorb information. Stops anger. Imparts energy and invigoration to the physical body.     


This stone bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership. Its known for manifestation and attracting abundance. The bigger, the more geopathic and electromagnetic stress is blocked, including that coming from cell phones. It is an amplifier of energy, good or bad, and never needs recharging. Imparts fearlessness, invincibility, and fortitude. Clears emotional and mental pain. Stimulates creativity, imagination, and inventiveness. Cleanses the aura, aids spiritual evolution, and activates the crown chakra linking it to divine light.



This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura by drawing off negative energy, dispelling computer/electromagnetic stress,reorganizes anything within the body that is not in perfect order, and protects against any psychic attack. Heightens intuitive powers and spiritual awareness. Increases self-confidence and breaks old behavior patterns. Improves coordination and counteracts mental disorders. Increases concentration, promotes quick thinking, and aids in balancing your relationships. 


The stone of successful love. It brings domestic bliss and loyalty. Opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions. Ensures physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium by eliminating negativity and bringing in positive actions. Raises consciousness, enhances psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance, and gathers wisdom. It also protects against enchantment and the ploys of magicians, and to foretell the future. Enhances the ability to enjoy life and strength to overcome misfortune. Heals one from negative emotions. This is a wisdom stone.   


Accesses knowledge, especially dealing with herbal treatment and holistic remedies. Its shows how to be of service without over doing, allowing for the appropriate amount of help. It combines unconditional love with tough love. Helps break the chains of illness for the sake of the family. This stone is perfect for helping to break emotional codependency.     



A natural conductor that raises the body electrical levels, ultimately improving energy. Alleviates inflammation, soreness and arthritis. Improves blood flow and heals wounds. Regulates a persons body temperature and boost immune system. Perfect for keeping the skin radiant and beautiful. Also used for de-stressing, bringing confidence, and elevates ones mood. It also known to heal the heart of physical, spiritual, and emotional ailments. 












Garnet (Red)

Cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. Said to be able to warn of approaching danger. It inspires love and devotion, balancing the sex drive and alleviating emotional disharmony. This stone fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, brining courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations. It stimulates the pituitary gland whilst activating other crystals, amplifying their effect and clearing negative chakra energy. Square cut garnets are said to bring success in business matters. Aids in letting go of old, useless habits. Opens up the heart and bestows self-confidence. Red Garnet represents love. it revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality. It controls anger. 


Goldstone (Red)

This is a money attraction stone also known and Monks Gold. It is a mixture of Aventurine, Copper oxides, and other metal oxides. Find Aventurine stone and Brass/Copper  to read on their properties.










Goldstone (Blue)

This stone helps you to hold on to money, also known as Monks Gold. It is a mixture of Aventurine, Cobalt/Manganese, and other metal oxides. Cobalt entails the entire Vitamin B complex. Find Aventurine stone to read on its properties. 

Goldstone (Green)

This stone helps you to hold on to money, also known as Monks Gold. It is a mixture of Aventurine, Chromium oxides and other metal oxides. Chromium aids in the digestion of protein and glucose, stabilizing blood sugar levels and the metabolic system. Find Aventurine stone to read on its properties.  













Grounds and protects energy from negative energies from entering the aura. Use during out-of-body journeying to protect the soul and ground it back into the body. Highly beneficial for dealing with legal matters. Boosts self-esteem, enhances willpower, imparts confidence, and breaks addictions. This stone will heighten your focus, enhance memory, and problem solve. It also restores, strengthens, and regulates the blood supply. 

Herkimer Diamond

This light body activating stone energizes and promotes creativity. It stimulates psychic abilities and clears the chakras. Attunes people and links them together when they have to be parted. Enhances telepathy. Clears electromagnetic pollution and radeoactivity



This stone signifies purity, serenity and wisdom. It is associated with the heart chakra, increasing love and nurturing. It is protective, harmonizing, and brings good luck as well as good friendships. Stabilizes the personality and releases negative thoughts. Brings insightful dreams and aids in filtering elimination organs and kidneys. A prosperous stone. 












A calming stone, known for being the antidote to insomnia. It links into the spiritual dimensions to receive wisdom, astro-travel, time travel, unlock past lives, and open the third eye. Unlocks hidden ambitions. Teaches patience and eliminates rage coming from yourself or from others. Strengthens memory. 

Jasper (Leopardskin)

AKA the "supreme nurturer." Aids in healing, relieves stress, and brings about wholeness. This stone cleans and aligns the chakras and the aura. It protects against electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. Prolongs sexual pleasure, promotes organizational abilities, stimulates the imagination, imparts determination and aids in quick thinking. Leopardskin Jasper is a shamanic shape shifter stone, putting you in touch with the Panther, Jaguar, Leopard, and Cougar allies. Helps you to listen to your inner voice. Spiritually assisting in fulfilling karmic agreements or soul contracts made before incarnating, this stone highlights where those contracts are no longer appropriate and assists in renegotiating the terms. Reduces insecurities. It provides protection while you are meeting challenges and fulfilling goals. It also activates twelve strand DNA healing. Envirionmentaly, it engenders respect for the innate wisdom and healing methods of native peoples and encourage a connection between human kind and the animal world. 

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Jasper (Mookaite)

AKA the "supreme nurturer." Aids in healing, relieves stress, and brings about wholeness. This stone cleans and aligns the chakras and the aura. It protects against electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. Prolongs sexual pleasure, promotes organizational abilities, stimulates the imagination, imparts determination and aids in quick thinking. Mookaite Jasper(Australian Jasper) imparts a desire for new experiences. This stone encourages versatility, fortifies the immune system, heals wounds, and purifies the blood.  


Jasper (Picture)

AKA the "supreme nurturer." Aids in healing, relieves stress, and brings about wholeness. This stone cleans and aligns the chakras and the aura. It protects against electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. Prolongs sexual pleasure, promotes organizational abilities, stimulates the imagination, imparts determination and aids in quick thinking. Picture Jasper releases repressed emotions of guilt, envy, hatred, and love. This stone alleviates fear while also stimulating the immune system and cleaning the kidneys.



Great stone for meditation for it is tranquilizing and amplifies psychic abilities. It connects to spirit guides while improving dream recall. It heals the body through aligning the chakras and stabilizes the biomagnetic field. This stone opens the throat chakra, dispels blockages, relieves stress, and dissolves anger. Essentially, it is helpful for those making the transition through death.

Jasper (Red)

AKA the "supreme nurturer." Aids in healing, relieves stress, and brings about wholeness. This stone cleans and aligns the chakras and the aura. It protects against electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. Prolongs sexual pleasure, promotes organizational abilities, stimulates the imagination, imparts determination and aids in quick thinking. Red Jasper is the stone of health, strengthening, and detoxifying the circulatory system, the blood, and liver.











Lapis Lazuli

Increases spiritual power through opening the third eye. This stone releases stress, bringing enormous serenity. Contacts spirit guardians for protection, blocks psychic attacks, reverses curses and heals dis-ease. It encourages taking charge of ones life and creativity.


This stone raises consciousness of whoever holds it. Prevents energy leakage and forms a barrier against negative energy. It stimulates psychic gifts and grounds the spiritual energies into the body. Banishes fears and insecurities while strengthening faith in the self. Energizes the imagination, brings introspection, increases intuitive wisdom, and restores suppressed memories. This stone prepares body and soul for the ascension process.












A powerful and toxic stone that should only be used in its polished form. This stone amplifies any and all energies positive and negative. Protects against and absorbs negative energies as well as pollutants like plutonium or toxins within the body like radiation. It clears and activates the chakras depending on where you place it. Used for scrying or even spiritual travel to other worlds. It assists in the rebirthing process, overpowers shyness, combats dyslexia, and improves ones ability to absorb and process information. Facilitates deep emotional healing, restores deep breathing, Also called the midwife stone.   


Clears electromagnetic pollution, especially emanating from computers. This stone activates and opens the throat, hear, third eye, and crown chakras. Very useful for accessing the akashic record. Reduces stress, depression, and insomnia. Stabilizes mood swings and bipolar disorders. Aids in breaking addictions and encourages independency. It also improves concentration as well as speeds up decision making. 












A stone of new beginnings. This intuitive stone calms the emotions, encourages lucid dreaming, develops clairvoyance, and enhances psychic abilities. It activates the feminine principle. Soothes emotional instability, alleviates menstrual-related dis-ease, balances the hormonal system and attunes to the biorhythmic clock.











Obsidian (Black)

It provides deep soul healing by going back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma. Its a protective stone that creates a shield against negativity, psychic attacks and environmental pollution. It draws out the truth forcing you to confront what is there. It may also draw out worry and stress.Illiminates energy blockages and anchors the spirit to the body.  


Obsidian ( Rainbow)

It provides deep soul healing by going back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma. Its a protective stone that creates a shield against negativity, psychic attacks and environmental pollution. It draws out the truth forcing you to confront what is there. It may also draw out worry and stress.Illiminates energy blockages and anchors the spirit to the body. Rainbow Obsidian is one of the gentler obsidians. Helps to cut the cords of old love, replenishing the heart chakra.  











Onyx (Black)

This strength giving stone imparts wisdom, vigor, steadfastness, and stamina. Imparts confidence and comfortability with ones environment. It anchors the flighty and induces self control. Balances the yin and yang energies within the body, invoking healing. It also acts as a protector against negative energies. 


This stone induces clairvoyance, psychic visions, stimulates originality, amplifies thoughts, and can be programmed for spiritual invisibility of oneself. It also encourages interests in the arts. Emotionally, it is associated with love, passion, desire and eroticism. Its said that this elemental rock may evoke loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity. 

Obsidian (Gold-Sheen)

It provides deep soul healing by going back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma. Its a protective stone that creates a shield against negativity, psychic attacks and environmental pollution. It draws out the truth forcing you to confront what is there. It may also draw out worry and stress.Illiminates energy blockages and anchors the spirit to the body. Gold-Sheen Obsidian is particularly effective for scrying. It eliminates any sense of ego conflict. Also imparts knowledge of spiritual direction while balancing energy fields. 

Obsidian (Snowflake) 

It provides deep soul healing by going back to past lives to heal festering emotions or trauma. Its a protective stone that creates a shield against negativity, psychic attacks and environmental pollution. It draws out the truth forcing you to confront what is there. It may also draw out worry and stress.Illiminates energy blockages and anchors the spirit to the body. Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity, it calms and soothes the sacral chakra providing balance for body, mind, and spirit.  












A protective stone for the aura. It neutralizes toxins physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually allowing for one to heal and let go of events from the past or negative people in the present. Psychologically, it alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, anger and stress. Ultimately, this stone aids you in the process of taking responsibility for your own life. 


















Pyrite (Fool's Gold)

Very helpful for when making business plans or wanting to attract money and success into your life. This stone is also an energy shield that block out negativity, pollution and disease. Boosts confidence and alleviates anxiety. Increases blood flow to the brain while stimulating greater mental activity. It strengthens the circulatory system, raises blood oxygen levels, protects energy leaks, and overcomes fatigue.











Petrified Wood

An awesome grounding stone for high vibrations. It's filled with ancient wisdom that can be used for healing, correcting past life issues, and unlocking the Akashic Record. Aids in spiritual tribulation and evolution. A calming stone that minimizes worries, re-activates 12 strand DNA, and aids in the recovery of an illness. Helps to stabilize the environment. This is a stone for historians, archaeologists, and librarians. Stated that this stone counteracts ageism in the workplace and to help others recognize the wisdom and value of old age.  












Quartz (Clear)

The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, store, releases and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. Holding it in your hand will double your electromagnetic field, enhancing muscle strength and protecting against radiation. Generates electromagnetism. Cleanses the body as well as other stones. Raises spiritual energy to the highest possible level. Aids concentration during meditation, increases psychic abilities, and store information like a natural computer.  



An emotionally balancing stone that grounds energy. Dealing with the heart chakra, it heals emotional shock, abuse or self-destruction. It can also be used for past-life healing as well as mastering forgiveness and reconciliation.











Quartz (Smoky)

One of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones whilst at the same time raises vibrations during meditation. Strong link to the base chakra. Excellent answer to stress. Gently neutralizes negative energy, brings in positive energy, blocks electromagnetic smog, and assists in detoxification on all levels. Psychologically, it relieves fear, lefts depression, and brings emotional calmness. Alleviates suicidal tendencies. Enhances virility. Deteriorates nightmares. Can be used in scrying. Alleviates communication difficulties and promotes concentration. Excellent for treating radiation-related illness or chemotherapy. 

Quartz (Rose)

This is the ultimate love stone for the self and for others. Brings about inner peace, stimulates the heart chakra, heals trauma, attracts new love and will even restore trust and harmony in an existing relationship. Creates positive vibes, repels negativity and strengthens your empathy. Releases unexpressed emotions while also alleviating heartache to bring about self-love.













Imparts vigor and passion to life. It stimulates the heart chakra as well as balances the heart. This stone protects against psychic attacks and any vampire energy draining individuals. Promotes leadership while transmuting anger and negativity from your life. 



Known most commonly as the wisdom stone. Brings peace and serenity to the mind allowing the physical, mental and spiritual planes to align. This stone releases depression and invokes prosperity.  



An earthy and anti-geopathogenic stone. It contains all of the minerals in the periodic table. Shields against harmful electro-magnetic frequency emissions especially coming from computers and cell phones. Psychologically, it clears out mental and emotional pollutants, whilst encouraging the use of supreme wisdom from the past. Transforms water into a biologically active life-enhancing substance, as well as removes harmful micro-organisms and pollutants. It absorbs pesticides, free radicals, bacteria, viruses, EMF, microwave and other vibrational emissions. Dissipates stress and restores emotional equilibrium. It also alleviates insomnia and headaches.        



Activates the crown chakra bringing clarity to mind. Instills deep peace and enhances telepathy of the user. It can be used to build a protective grid around ones house against outside influences. Selenite wands are commonly used to detach unwanted entities from your aura. Also powerful charging stones for all other stones.   












This stone stimulates the pineal gland to deepen your meditation.It clears electromagnetic pollution especially from computers. It's perfect for group work creating an environment of trust and companionship.Ultimately, it brings about emotional balance calming down panic attacks and eliminating mental confusion.    


Its negative electrical charge is extremely useful for absorbing negative energies, emanations, and emotions.Great for managing overwhelming feelings of violence, skin conditions and fevers. Inspires the imagination while bringing a reenergizing element to the body.

Sun Stone

A joyful and light inspiring stone. This alchemical stone heightens intuition, clears the chakras and brings good fortune. Keeping it with you aids in dissolving co-dependency, facilitates self-empowerment and helps to cut-ties. This is a great antidepressant and mood lifter. 


Has extremely high vibrations linking to the angelic realms, spirit guides, Ascended Masters, and Christ Consciousness. It helps in entering altered states of consciousness with ease. This stone facilitates inner and outer  spiritual journeying, metaphysical abilities, and profoundly deep meditation. It opens subtle chakras on the biomagnetic sheath, aiding in spiritual evolution. Connecting to the Akashic Record, this stone facilitates multi-dimensional cellular and karmic healing so that the soul is ready for ascension. Beneficial for over-worked individuals. It overcomes depression and anxiety. 


Tigers Eye (Red)

A powerful grounding stone that enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need. It's particularly useful for healing mental dis-ease and personality disorders. Emotionally, it balances yin-yang and lifts mood, even depression.  Red Tiger's Eye is a stimulating stone that overcomes lethargy and provides motivation. In healing it speeds up a slow metabolism and increase a low sex drive. 

Tourmaline (Black)

Protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attacks,spells, ill-wishing, and negative energies of all kinds. It encourages a positive attitude dispersing tension and stress. Provides pain relief, strengthens the immune system, treats arthritis and dyslexia, and realigns the spinal column.









Tigers Eye (Blue)

A powerful grounding stone that enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need. It's particularly useful for healing mental dis-ease and personality disorders. Emotionally, it balances yin-yang and lifts mood, even depression.  Blue Tiger's Eye is calming and releases stress.It aids the overanxious, quick-tempered, and phobic. In healing it slows the metabolism cools an overactive sex drive, and dissolves sexual frustration.





















Tigers Eye (Yellow)

A powerful grounding stone that enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras, stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need. It's particularly useful for healing mental dis-ease and personality disorders. Emotionally, it balances yin-yang and lifts mood, even depression. Gold Tiger's Eye aids in paying attention to detail, warning against complacency. It assists in taking action from a place of reason rather than emotion. It is an excellent companion for tests and important meetings.



A useful spiritual healing and protective stone. It aligns the spirit with the body and dispels negative electromagnetic smog/energy. Assists in the creative problem-solving realm as well as calms the nerves when public speaking. Stabilizes mood swings and stimulates romantic love.Great for managing depression or panic attacks.  


Enhances visualization and psychic vision. It brings a calm gentle energy and can negate the effects of electromagnetic pollution from television sets if placed on top or near by. Very helpful in past life healing dealing with the source of your ailment.

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